Tuesday 26 April 2011

Gorbachev celebrates his 80th birthday in London

Mikhail Gorbachev 80th Birthday 
The formers soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev celebrated his 80th birthday on the 30th March with his friends and family at London's Royal Albert Hall. This celebration took place in London because it was easer to gather his preferred guests from all over the world in London then elsewhere.
Mikhail Gorbachev was the president of the USSR from 1988 to 1991. He was born 2 March 1931. 
On his 80th birthday, for which the celebration was held at the Royal Albert Hall and sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation which was founded by Mr. Gorbachev and his daughter Irina to help children suffering from leukemia, amongst other sponsors likes: Vertu, Faberge and Christie’s. There were many celebrities invited to raise funds. This event was primarily to celebrate Mr. Gorbachev’s birthday as well as to raise funds for the trust and to raise awareness of the trusts work. The funds raised will be divided between the British fund MacMillan Cancer Support and the Saint Petersburg Institute of Children Hematology and Transplantation behalf of Raisa Gorbachev.

Red carpet and the celebrities started arriving in style, amongst the celebrities were Dame Shirley Bassey, Sharon Stone, Kevin Spacey and ex Californian Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. There was one question raised over and over again throughout the evening, why Mr. Gorbachev decided to celebrate his 80th in London and not in Moscow? First of all there were a lot of celebrations held in the name of Gorbachev in Moscow and secondly it was ease to bring all VIP guest to London.

 It seemed that the hero of the day Mr. Gorbachev was a little embarrassed by such a reception. However, he took himself in hand and thanked friends. "I never thought I would live to 80 years, but now I have to say with confidence that I want to see you on the 90th birthday! - Admitted by Mikhail Gorbachev.
 This amazing event carried on in a luxury Royal Garden Hotel on High street Kensington where many of guest including Mr. Gorbachev’s grand daughters and others raised glasses of champagne once more to wish Mikhail Gorbachev Happy Birthday.


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